TV producers inhabit every corner of the commercial production world. From animation to music production, post production, live action shooting for fashion, food, mobile phones, cars. Real life content films and sponsored documentaries. 

The role is to take the idea from its germination through all the stages of pre-planning, casting, location hunting, legal watch outs, the shoot, editing, post production, special effects, music composition and a great many other areas.

You'll be managing budgets, tight schedules and a sizeable collection of people with often differing opinions.  You'll need to be well organised, an effective negotiator, good taste is a bonus and enjoy working in a group.

Click on the links below to find out more.

APA - Advertising Producers Association

APA - Advertising Producers Association

The Beak Street Bugle - From the other side of the street

The Beak Street Bugle - From the other side of the street



